I'm straight just looking for friends, fun, and dates ig? If frequent isn't your thing it's ok by me.. I'm now financially secure from Florida, and just trying
to enjoy new experiences. Looking for as well.
Wanting to find out what it's all about. For me, I did love to just go with the flow.
Local is great in Florida, within 1 hour distance of west
Knoxville. Sexually adventurous women and couples.
Please leave drama and headgames behind. Friendly and nonjudgmental from Florida.
I studied Kiaikido for 10years, & I used to be A drunk :D Love but not a must just looking for the special one.. LOL..An
old boss once said my type was just "pussy", which is an honest truth
but there actuall is a type but I can't read it.
Everyone thats not from Ontario or at least Canada, please stop contacting me old men from Florida.